Northumberland Humane Society NHS Volunteer Application Download the Form Information gathered herein is intended to assist the Northumberland Humane Society in making the best possible use of your experience, skills and interests while attempting to meet ongoing NHS requirements. All information will be kept confidential and will not be distributed to any organization, business or member of the public. Thank you for considering NHS as the grateful recipient of your valuable time and assistance.First Name *Last Name *Street Address *CityState/ProvinceZIP / Postal CodePhone *Email Address *Year Of BirthVolunteer Experience and SkillsRestrictions (ie: no heavy lifting, no large dogs, allergies, etc.)Volunteer InterestsCat EnrichmentDog WalkingDriving/DistributionMaintenance: grass cutting, snow shovellingFundraising/Special EventsThrift Shop Volunteer(please indicate with check marks)Availability (please check)MondayMorningAfternoonEveningEvent SpecificTuesdayMorningAfternoonEveningEvent SpecificWednesdayMorningAfternoonEveningEvent SpecificThursdayMorningAfternoonEveningEvent SpecificFridayMorningAfternoonEveningEvent SpecificSaturdayMorningAfternoonEveningEvent SpecificSundayMorningAfternoonEveningEvent SpecificEmergency Contact Name *Emergency Contact #Signature of Applicant (to be signed at interview)Your browser does not support e-Signature field.DateSubmit Application Home About Get Involved Services Thrift Store News & Events Contact Donate Privacy PolicyCharitable #: 87060 9443 RR0001 FollowFollowFollow NHS Shelter: 2363 Theatre RoadCobourg, ON K9A 0R3Phone: 905-885-4131Fax: 905-885-8027 NHS Thrift Store: 24 Covert StreetCobourg ON K9A 2L6Phone: 905-372-8451 Designed By: Cats Media | Northumberland Humane Society 2022